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Shipping and Delivery
General Shipping Information
How are Shipping and Delivery Dates Calculated?
How are Shipping and Delivery Dates Calculated?
Updated over a week ago

We calculate the delivery estimate by adding the transit time to the estimated shipping date.

Transit time is based on the shipping speed you choose. We calculate the delivery time using business days. Saturday and Sunday are usually not included in the transition time. The exception is if the weekend delivery option is available at checkout. Holidays are factored in when calculating transit time.

Once your order has been shipped, you can track it in the Orders section.

FREE Shipping

Your order will arrive within 5-8 days. We process and ship your order in the most cost-effective way possible so we can offer free shipping. If you notice that your products haven't been shipped yet, it may take us a little longer than you expect to ship your order, but we will ship on time for the estimated delivery date.

Orders Placed with Zggly Marketplace Sellers

Delivery dates may vary for orders placed with Marketplace sellers. For more information, contact the seller directly.

International Shipments

Orders shipped abroad may be delayed due to customs controls.

Note: Unexpected service delays (weather conditions, natural disasters, or unforeseen events) will increase your estimated delivery date by at least two to three business days. If you select a larger quantity for a product, it may not be shipped immediately if the product is not available locally or at the same location.

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